Piper needed to be on camera. I was taking self-portraits with a timer & she leaped up into the chair, allowing me to take this great pic!
I love the color red and I was happily surprised to see the contrast between my Laslo's jet-black coat & his bright yellow eyes.
Our bedtime is Gilbert's playtime. This day, however, I was studying on my bed. Playing with and photographing the kitties is a fun distraction from my work! Doesn't he look ferocious?!
My favorite pic of Laslo.
This is my favorite pic of Laslo & Piper. I love his mischievous look & her pleading eyes. "Help me!"
Gilbert will often sit by the front door until we let him out. He loves the outside, even when it is raining or snowing. He is also a good hunter. I've saved a few birds from him and Laslo. They hunt together!
This is a picture of Gilbert longing to be outside. Sometimes, I just have to keep him in! I want him inside with me!
I like playing with my new camera and using angles to distort an image.
This is Piper crying to get outside! Brian, Laslo, Gilbert, & I were on the porch; and, she wanted out too!
The Kitties
I am lucky to have three wonderful kitties. My kitty Whitney died this year & it was really hard. She was with me for over 10 years and was always there for me; for many years it was just her and I in a little apartment in KC or Lawrence. When I moved in with Brian, together we had four cats--a full house! Brian already had Laslo & Piper when we started dating. I begged him to rescue Gilbert who was in desperate need of a new home. Brian fell for Gilbert as quickly as I did and adopted him right away. He has been a wonderful kitty and was so tolerant with Whitney who was quite old and set in her ways. She could whap him with her paw and he'd just stand there and look at her as she backed away. The three kitties have bonded very well. They often curl up together on a chair or bed. Piper attaches herself to whichever one is near. Around people , she can be quite timid. She reminds me a lot of Whitney. She has learned that our laps are wonderful for sitting and she is getting braver all the time, though still still runs and hides from strangers. She is the little princess of the house. The way she cups her paw to bat at a toy mouse is very dainty. She likes to play with discarded tissues and my hair ties, which she later places in a water dish! Laslo is the cuddler of the three. He plays hard and is quite fun with a laser pointer (he jumps up the walls in an arc-like motion--very unique style). He will pass out on your lap for hours if you let him. Our house seems like a revolving door these days. They are just like little kids. They can't decide if they want to be in or out!
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